Dallas County Veterinary Medical Association Inc.


Welcome to the official website for the Dallas County Veterinary Medical Association (DCVMA). DCVMA has been serving the Veterinary Profession and Dallas Community since 1954.

President's Message

Dear Members,

Our March meeting will be on Feline Infectious Peritonitis. Dr. Petra Černá is board certified in internal medicine, has a PhD in from the University of Veterinary Sciences in the Czech Republic, and is completing a PhD at Colorado State in FIP. Dr. Petra Černá breeds British Shorthair and Ragdoll cats, and is a FIFe allbreed judge.

TVMA notified us of current Texas legislation on Animal Telemedicine, and requests we contact our representatives to vote against this legislation. TVMA is concerned about how this will affect patient care given that pets cannot describe their symptoms as human patients are able to, and that critical cases may be missed.

Dr. Katy White

Next CE Meeting

CE Location

Maggiano's Little Italy - NorthPark Center
205 Northpark Center
Dallas, Texas 75225
Registration: 6:30pm
Presentation: 7:00pm-9:30pm
Complimentary Valet Parking or park on south side (enter from Northwest Highway)

3.0 hours of CE
No RSVP required

Member DVM: Free
Non-member DVM: $60
Non-DVM's: $25

Dinner buffet provided

Questions: please send email to dcvma@dallasvma.org